apple press
Apple Pressing
Community Gathering

Backyard Apple Pressing in Two Mile (Hazelton)

September 3
4:00 pm
7:00 pm

As this is on private property, reservations are required before the address is given out. Phone Laurie at 250-847-1399 to reserve a 30 minute or 60 minute appointment. Please bring your own juice containers – we will have a limited number of one litre canning jars for sale $2 each with lid and ring, ready for your canner.

This is a free event but we appreciate donations to help cover our costs and suggest $10 for 30 minutes and $25 for one hour. This is the cost of an annual membership to our non-profit that is also running the Community Composting Hub.



To save time, we recommend you read our page about Apple Pressing under Member Services and prepare your apples so that the Wash,Sort, Chop station can be skipped all together.

Please bring clean containers to fill with your juice. If you are donating your juice, MASH will provide containers. Thank you!